Should I buy New computer?

Remembering our first time holding a real machines called computer. In my mind in that time is very cool thing. Is more than iPhone nowday, just like mac and high end gadgets. When I realize the time has passed and my coolest computer machines is expired for their time. Do I need a new computer? But I just only using it for write and typing word. No advanced task in my working. Nothing different from the program, only the development of the software is change. The situation is change when I faced a new working area, such as video editing. This time I realize if I need a new computer to do the task. Video editing computer need more money than standard computer. The demand of the computer more faster and faster. The development of the processor is more advance. The software is more powerful and must be balance with the processor to process the task. I realize the need of faster computer is a must to do heavy work like 3D for all job. And the answer of Should I Buy A New Computer ? yes if you need a task of work and to do and all morenfaster, and the power is beyond of your old machines. This will make your computer trash more quickly.