YouTube view tips

Just like the title YouTube view tips. For the truth YouTube video that upload everyday is very large from different categories. If we talking about YouTube optimation maybe the simple answer is make a best tags, title and correct category and fill your video description. But the most effective way is promote your video in YouTube. Little known trick is make a collaboration with other YouTube partner to cros promote your YouTube channels.

For the meanwhile if your trick or tips from the master is not effective for your video, maybe there are some reason why is not any viewer open your video. Let me explain the reason why don't get much views. The most powerful thing in youtube is the content it self. For sample you upload a cat in the table in the same time there a cat in the table video uploaded to YouTube. The factor is a famous and non famous just like a normal people and celebrity. The most people will search and video that have a big name. Imagine you have permission to upload Michael Jackson newest music video in your channel, this automatically drive view in your YouTube channel massively. But in the meanwhile your cat on the table video just only get affected for a little because one of the video get many viewers and see your another video in the channel.

The main reason is most known people or theme is most importance to get view. The best thing is uploading what people want to know, how to video and million of people searching for music video in YouTube everyday. If you want to make success in YouTube please be patience and make your video and title best. Don't forget fill the description and tags. If you are lucky collaborate with other famous youtuber. And the most lucky is get a celebrity in your video (maybe) . So just get started and make a quality video to viral all over the world.